Athena: the Extremes of the Universe from Black Holes to Large-scale Structure
Rome, Italy, March 22, 2012 Home - Athena in a nutshell - Programme - List of participants - Registration - Local info |
Italy's Athena Italian Day
Scientific Programme
- [11:00] Start of the Workshop
- [11:00-11:10] Welcome: Giovanni Bignami
- [11:10-11:40] Athena overall: Dave Lumb
- [11:40-12:10] XMS: Luigi Piro
- [12:10-12:30] WFI: Lothar Strueder
- [12:30-12:50] Mirrors/SPOs: Giovanni Pareschi
- [12:50-13:10] Strong Gravity and Accretion Physics: Giorgio Matt
- [13:10-13:30] AGN Feedback: Massimo Cappi
- [13:30-14:30] Light Lunch at Monte Mario
- [14:30-14:50] Astrophysics and Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters: Stefano Ettori
- [14:50-15:10] The light up and evolution of early massive black holes - Athena observations: Andrea Comastri
- [15:10-15:30] The WHIM: Fabrizio Nicastro
- [15:30-15:50] Investigations of hot astrophysical plasmas: Salvo Sciortino
- [15:50-16:15] The way forward, and the italian scientific and industrial
return: Luigi Piro
- [16:15-16:45] Discussion
- [16:45] End of the Workshop